add editore è una casa editrice indipendente nata a Torino nel 2010. Pubblichiamo saggistica narrativa per raccontare la contemporaneità, autori con sguardo aperto e solido che rendono accessibile la complessità...
Adda Editore was founded in 1963 and has focused – since its very beginning – on publications meant to spread knowledge about and promote the rich art and history heritage...
Adelphi, the publishing house founded in 1962 by Luciano Foà and Roberto Olivetti started its publications in 1963. Roberto Calasso became editorial director in 1971, and subsequently president and ceo...
Publishing house Ediuni was born in 2018 and has to its credit about twenty publications. The editorial project of Ediuni is based on the defense and promotion of Sardinian identity,...
Since 1986, the Sardinian Publishers Association has represented publishers that have their registered office in Sardinia, and that publish books, magazines, maps and multimedia products, which are distributed via bookshops...
A publisher whose catalogue includes a wide range of fiction and non-fiction titles, as well as comics. Accredited by the Ministry of Education and Merit and the Ministry of Culture...
Il marchio editoriale «Aguaplano-Officina del libro» nasce nel 2009 come casa editrice di saggistica e di classici - nell’ambito delle scienze umane, della psicologia, della letteratura, della filosofia -, di...
Nata nel 1869, l’Associazione Italiana Editori è la più antica associazione di categoria italiana. Da oltre 150 anni rappresenta e tutela sul piano nazionale e internazionale gli editori che pubblicano...
Aiora Press is an independent publishing house in Athens, Greece. Actively dedicated to the promotion of Greek letters for readers abroad, Aiora publishes also in English, French and Italian. The...
AIPSA Edizioni born (in 1993 as Aipsa studio – graphics&communication) in 1996 as publishing firm. The publishing activity now has achieved 20 series ranging fiction, poetry, literary criticism (such as...
Independent publishing house specialized in illustrated books for children eager to explore the world with new eyes! Our goal is to stimulate curiosity and creativity. Products: fiction, novels and picture...
«Sgonfiare le favole dei potenti e raccontare altre storie». Far vivere idee in controtendenza e letteratura sociale. Pubblichiamo libri d'inchiesta, tematiche femministe e lgbtiq, e analisi storiche e politiche, a...