Business Centre

4-5-6 December at La Nuvola – Piano Forum

Più libri più liberi is the only industry event in Europe providing unequalled opportunities to meet a great number of Italian publishers with an innovative approach to the market.

The PLPL Business Centre is a 500 m2 area for the exclusive use of professional operators: a meeting point for all actors of the Italian and international publishing world to establish ties with the publishers of Più libri più liberi.

An exclusive area incorporating:
•  The Lounge: an elegant 300 m2 space with limited access for meetings in a more informal setting or simply have a coffee. Reserved for exhibitors, press and speakers;
•  The Meeting Room, a semi-enclosed hall with seating for 40, where workshops and business presentations can be held. Equipped with computers, a connected screen and audio system;
•  The Club B2B, the heart of the Business Centre: furnished with chairs and tables for the exclusive use of registered companies to set up meetings with their clients;
•  A reception desk with dedicated secretarial services.

Why participate
•  To increase the visibility of your company in the Italian publishing market
•  To meet new potential clients
•  To consolidate ties with your existing clients
•  To present best practices, services and innovative products to publishers

Who is it for? 
All companies interested in meeting with publishers: communication, translation and editorial agencies; distributors, book promotion networks, exporters; printers, paper producers and professionals of the printing industry; legal and management firms specialised in the publishing sector; innovative startups; etc.

What we offer
•  All services specified in the Large, Medium, Small packages
•  Targeted communication to exhibitors and professionals before and during the fair both through the traditional and digital channels of the fair and of the Associazione Italiana Editori.
•  Support in organising meetings with the exhibitors of the fair.

Find out more about our services Download the registration form

Are you interested in joining the Business Centre? Contact us!
Ediser Srl
Paola Seghi – Emanuela Pinto – Manuel Recchia
tel 0289280801 –

Archivio news

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La fiera

Più libri più liberi è la fiera di Roma dedicata esclusivamente all'editoria indipendente: cinque giornate dove scoprire le novità e i cataloghi di oltre 500 editori, incontrare autori, assistere a performance musicali, reading e dibattiti. Un'occasione da non perdere per lettori e addetti ai lavori.

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