Rights Centre

Attend the PLPL Rights Centre!
In the wake of the success of past editions, the PLPL Rights Centre has been confirmed again this year, do not miss the chance to participate!
The PLPL Rights Centre provides a networking space for a wide range of the best small and medium-sized independent publishers attending the exhibition and for foreign publishers looking for Italian authors and books.

Where and When
The PLPL Rights Centre will be held at La Nuvola exhibition centre from Wednesday 4th to Thursday 5th December 2024 in an area dedicated to foreign publishers and literary agents and to the Italian PLPL exhibitors and/or their agents.

Who and How
Are you a foreign publisher or literary agent? Check out all the opportunities to participate and meet the exhibitors of the fair.

Buy your table now with the early bird offer
By applying by July 15th, you have the opportunity to book a customized table with an early bird discount: download the purchase form.
The offer includes:
• customized table at the Rights Centre on the 4th and 5th of December;
• access to the b2b matching platform before the fair, in order to arrange your appointments with Italian exhibitors and schedule your agenda;
• light lunch during the b2b meetings;
• 1 entrance pass, valid for every day of the fair;
• participation in the Italian publishing market conference, organized by the Research Department of the Italian Publishers Association;
• free wi-fi.

Apply for the Invitation Program
Thanks to the Invitation Program, you have the possibility to have a free customized table at the fair and be offered 3 nights of accommodation.
The application form, along with the full list of benefits and requirements, is available at the following page: Invitation Program.

Apply for the Fellowhip Program
Are you a Polish publisher? In the wake of Italy’s participation as Guest of Honour at the Warsaw International Book Fair, a Fellowship Program will also be organized, involving a small group of publishers from Poland that will participate in visits and meetings with publishing houses and bookshops in Rome on the 2nd and 3rd December. The program will continue on the 4th and 5th with the participation in the Rights Centre.
The application form, along with the full list of benefits and requirements of the Fellowship Program, is available at the following page: Fellowship Program.

The application deadline is June 28th, 2024. The selection will be made after this date. Organizers will send a communication about the results to all the appliers.

For more information contact us:
Ediser srl
Laura Mazzoni – Emanuela Pinto
E-mail: rights@plpl.it
Phone: +39 02 89280801

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