Camelozampa is an independent children’s books publisher, founded in Italy in 2011 and winner of the BOP 2020 - Bologna Prize for the Best Children’s Publishers of the Year (Europe).
Promuovere lo sviluppo del territorio e delle sue imprese e migliorare la qualità della vita dei cittadini è l’obiettivo che guida l’operato della Camera di Commercio di Roma. Un’istituzione che,...
Edizioni del Capricorno: escursionismo e turismo consapevole, storie e territori, letteratura noir e memoria. Espress edizioni: libri di divulgazione, libri per capire e conoscere. Un marchio editoriale per favorire la...
The Carlo Delfino publishing house boasts a catalog of over 1,000 titles, which includes rich series dedicated to themes such as archaeology, architecture, art and craftsmanship, history, folk traditions, environment,...
La Carocci editore pubblica 350 novità l'anno e numerose riviste in svariati ambiti disciplinari. La sua produzione si rivolge principalmente al mondo degli studi, ma offre anche volumi di saggistica...
Homeless Book is a small publishing company from Faenza, Italy. From the beginning, we’ve been active in the field of social sciences, cooperation, sustainable development, and inclusion. Since 2016, we...
A publishing company in continuous expansion, curious and attentive to social issues, to its territory and to new developments
Independent publishing house, focused on Japanese culture. Specialised in non-fiction, history, and illustrated books.
Puntidivista realizza libri per l'infanzia con l'intento di sensibilizzare adulti e bambini alle esigenze e potenzialità di chi ha bisogni speciali. Propone prodotti editoriali multiversione (braille- caratteri ingranditi, CAA- uso...
The symbol of CasadeiLibri, the Chinese character "men", is the monumental door that marks the limit between two qualitatively different spaces, meaning that each book is an open door onto...
The publishing project of Casagrande Publishing House is divided into several specific series of books. Among those, the "Scrittori" series groups European fiction- the "Alfabeti" series extends the research to...
Established in 1958, Casalini Libri is a leading supplier of publications to libraries worldwide, offering personalised services that facilitate selection, acquisitions and processing. Publishers benefit from services for promotion, distribution,...