Viella publishes non-fiction books with a focus on historical research, art history and philology: Research books with a scientific profile, presenting original and current topics and methods of investigation in...
Publishing house that deals with local publications and promotional items
Since 1959 Vision has been a leader in archaeological publishing for young and adult readers: thanks to a patented system, its reconstructions use transparent overlays on current photos, providing a...
Voglino Editrice includes the Didattica Attiva and Music Practica brands. Its purpose is to disseminate the issues of social and civil commitment (see Voglino editrice) and to give shape to...
Italian independent publishing house founded in 1995, Voland is specialized on Eastern European literary fiction, but publishes authors from all over the word. In the catalogue, Amélie Nothomb, José Ovejero,...
White Star is a publisher well-known in the field of illustrated and children's books and the exclusive licensee for Italy of National Geographic books. Recent are the two new brands...
Since 1994, WIP Edizioni has been engaged in scientific, non-fiction, esoteric, various and vernacular publishing activities. More than 750 titles enrich the catalogue. Among the various Series we point out...
The name “Wojtek” pays homage to the Syrian brown bear adopted by the 22nd Artillery Supply Company of the Polish Army during preparations for the Battle of Monte Cassino. Wojtek,...
WoM (acronym for Word of Mouth) is a sardonic rictus in the face of the inanity of the Present, of all that weighs down life with a feeling of seriousness...
Yume Editions is a publishing house established in Torino, Italy, by Katia Bernacci and Marino Olivieri- it currently publishes 25-30 books every year. Yume Ed. was born as specialized in...
Zolfo, uno sguardo obliquo sulla realtà. Zolfo, ancora tante storie da raccontare.
Zona 42 believes in the literary qualities of the genre, in its ability to arouse wonder and emotion. We consider science fiction, fantasy, horror and weird among the most useful...