Independent publisher based in Rome, tab edizioni publishes academic and non-fiction books. The list is divided into two macro-sections: “università” and “saggi” – the first designed for research texts, while...
Tamu Edizioni pubblica libri immersi nelle società postcoloniali, nel pensiero femminista e nelle nuove ecologie. È una casa editrice indipendente nata nel 2020 nel centro storico di Napoli dalla Libreria...
Tararà Edizioni deals with mountain literature, mainly searching for high quality unpublished texts and lesser known works. In its catalog you will find many works dealing with the Alpine world,...
Tau Editrice was born thanks to the ideas and projects of a small group of people united by a shared journey of faith. Towards the end of the 1990s, he...
Tau Editrice, which has its roots in the Umbria of St. Francis of Assisi, St. Benedict of Norcia and Blessed Jacopone of Todi, publishes works of Catholic Christian inspiration and...
TELOS è una casa editrice dedicata alla letteratura per l’infanzia e l’adolescenza attenta alla sperimentazione di nuovi modi di fare editoria. L’interazione tra la carta e il digitale rappresenta uno...
Tempesta Editore è una casa editrice impenitente ed eretica. Nata nel 2011 dall’idea di esplorare il mondo dei diritti civili, ha poi allargato i suoi orizzonti fino alla saggistica musicale,...
Since 1977 Terra Nuova Edizioni has been publishing the monthly magazine Terra Nuova (New Earth), and manuals of practical ecology dealing with subjects like alimentation and health, ecological building, sources...
Terra Somnia Editore, even before being an economic enterprise, is a cultural enterprise, an editorial bridge in the South, born along the Salento-Caserta - Naples axis, it looks beyond its...
TerraRossa Edizioni is a publishing house specializing in fiction that proposes successful works of the recent past in an edition revised by the authors (Fondanti series) and original works that...
Born in 1994, Terre di mezzo Editore is an Italian independent publisher based in Milan. We publish 90 books per year and books are our way of telling reality and...