
Polidoro Editore Stand E55
Polidoro has been active since 2013. Our logo, inspired by the mythological character which metamorphoses into a plant, symbolizes the transformations needed to describe our times. Our catalogue is structured...
Polistampa / Mauro Pagliai Stand G65
Polistampa accoglie nel proprio catalogo volumi sui più rilevanti temi editoriali: dall’arte alla letteratura, dalla storia alla scienza, dalla medicina alla politica, dalla religione alle stampe facsimilari a tiratura limitata....
Pop Edizioni Stand F69
Pop Edizioni, a young publishing house founded in 2019, was born from a group of authors and a simple question: why don't most writers earn money from their work? At...
Portafoglio Storico – titoli azionari antichi Stand A35
Antiquarian since 1982 specialized in antique securities: old stock and bond certificates. Our best sellers: Le più belle azioni d'epoca- Titoli Azionari Antichi XIIth edition- Catalogue of Italian Public Debt...
Postcart Edizioni Stand D22
Postcart Edizioni è una casa editrice indipendente specializzata in libri di fotografia. Nasce nel 1994 con l’intento di costruire negli anni un catalogo dedicato a tematiche contemporanee, utilizzando le migliori...
Prehistorica Editore Stand E56
Prehistorica is an indipendent publishing house consecrated to French Litterature- our texts aim to reconsider the world. Our catalogue consists of three collections: Scintille, for short or hybrid forms, Ombre...
Prinp Editore Stand N30
Prinp is a publishing house focused on Art, Photography, Architecture, Design, Theatre and Performing Arts, Poetry and Fiction. In addition to prestigious illustrated books, exhibition catalogs, monographs and artist’s books,...
Progedit Stand P13 N14
Founded in '97, Progedit focuses on editorial projects in collaboration with authors. Several book series have broadened the spectrum of interests from the world of university research and training, to...
Progetto Cultura Stand A64
Edizioni Progetto Cultura (www.progettocultura.it) è una piccola casa editrice di Roma, attiva sul mercato dal 2003 anni. Pubblica libri di narrativa, poesia, saggistica e da tre anni gestisce anche la...
Promedi Stand Business Centre
We operate in the field of independent book publishing, offering promotion, consultancy and communication services to publishers. Experience and continuous innovation to promote books and reading. Our project Indie Tree...
Puntoacapo Editrice Stand N30
puntoacapo Editrice was founded in 2008 by Cristina Daglio and Mauro Ferrari, to create with the help of renowned collaborators an authoritative catalog, which today has 700 titles and collections...
Quinto Quarto Edizioni Stand A08
Quinto Quarto stands out in the publishing scene for its intention to undermine the preconception that illustrated books are the prerogative of children. It dedicates part of its editorial production...