Minibombo is a publisher for young children (0-6 years). The books are simple and straightforward, with short text or even no text at all. The drawings have neat lines, pure...
minimum fax is an independent publishing house founded in 1994. It publishes Italian and international literary fiction and non-fiction books. Authors in the list include:Remo Rapino, Veronica Galletta, Paolo Cognetti,...
Founded in 2010, Miraggi is an independent publishing house. Its catalogue spans from fiction to non-fiction and poetry by Italian as well as foreigner Authors, encompassing literature e new proposals.
MMC EDIZIONI production is mainly focused on NON-FICTION, especially about Rome. MMC books offer an alternative vision of the city through the study of its unusual details, its history, its...
Progetto editoriale e culturale. Editoria per ragazzi, cultura critica per l'infanzia, illustrazioni, fumettistica, saggi sulle tematiche legate alle culture giovanili, le controculture e tanto altro.
Moon Edizioni is a young independent publishing house that has begun a beautiful journey through its paper stories. Backpack on your shoulders and a long road to travel with the...
Dopo 35 anni il nostro catalogo conta più di 1.000 titoli e diverse riviste (Anima, Atque, L’ombra e IMM'). Il progetto editoriale attraversa la psicologia analitica, la critica letteraria, la...
Morlacchi Editore was founded to enhance and disseminate the most advanced results of national and international scientific research. The editorial production deals with all fields of scientific research: manuals, monographs,...
Ugo Mursia Editore, was founded in 1955 by Ugo Mursia and it is one of Italy’s historic publishing companies. Since 1990 Fiorenza Mursia is President and CEO of the publishing...
Narrafood Ltd. invented the read that lasts just the brewing time: Narratè ®. It is a storytelling tea combining two thousand-year-old traditions: reading and drinking tea. An original publishing format...
Navarra Editore è una casa editrice indipendente siciliana di impegno civile, attiva anche nella progettazione e realizzazione di eventi culturali. I principali campi di interesse sono legalità, migrazioni, questione di...