
Luoghinteriori Stand E52
The LuoghInteriori publishing house fully embodies the spirit and philosophy that animate the founders within its name. A journey to the places of painting, sculpture, literature, science, architecture, music, every...
Luoghinteriori Stand E52-L35
The Luoghinteriori publishing house already fully embodies the spirit and philosophy that animate the founders within its name. Emerging authors and established writers through art catalogs or literary guides, essays,...
LupoGuido Stand B34
LupoGuido va a caccia di belle storie e di illustrazioni sofisticate e originali. Col suo naso appuntito fiuta racconti che si rivolgano ai bambini per davvero e che vogliano semplicemente...
Lux-Co Edizioni Stand L05
Nel 2023 sono stati prodotti “GLI AEREI SEGRETI DEL III° REICH” autore Patrizio Romano Mariotti, AXAENTEMIR: STORIA DEL POPOLO GUANCHES” libro illustrato autrice Susanna Scocca e “UFO A ROMA” autrice...
Manni Stand C23
The publishing house was born in 1984. From a production initially oriented to the poetry and the fiction it passed to a fan of affairs ampler which sees series of...
Marcos y Marcos Stand C47
Marcos y Marcos is an independent publishing house founded in Milan 43 years ago. It’s managed by Claudia Tarolo and Marco Zapparoli. Among its publications there are international contemporary fiction...
Marietti1820 Stand D69
Marietti1820 is an historical brand representing a pillar of the Italian culture, with its wide catalogue of philosophical, literary, social and human sciences works.
Marotta e Cafiero editori Stand A43
Marotta&Cafiero editori is a “terrona” publishing house from Scampia. Based in the heart of neapolitan suburbs, we publish “stupefying” literature, civil novels and redemption stories. Our staff is completely under...
Matti da rilegare Stand C48
Mattioli 1885 Stand E30
Mattioli 1885 si è consacrato come editore di riferimento nell'editoria anglo-americana. La collana frontiere ha come autori Andre Dubus, Rick Bass, Larry Watson, Gina Berriault e tanti altri. Si cimenta...
Maxottantotto edizioni Stand F05
Maxottantotto edizioni is an independent publishing house based on the collaboration between people who work in cultural and book sectors since many years. It’s a voice from the middle of...
MAXXI – Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo Stand P05
MAXXI edits and produces about 15 books a year as a publishing house or in collaboration with Italian and international publishers. Books include essays, artists' books, exhibition catalogues, guides and...