Il Poligrafo is a non-fiction publishing house whose interests range from philosophy to history, from art to archeology, from architecture to design, literature, memoirs, women’s studies. It works with many...
"Il ramo e la foglia", the branch and the leaf, are intimately in symbiosis: one draws substance from the trunk, therefore from the earth (tradition), the other collects light from...
The "IlViandante - Chiaredizioni" publishing group was founded in December 2015 and boasts 400 publications to its credit, mainly fiction and poetry. The publishing house does NOT ask for any...
Ilisso Edizioni since 1985, through constant research and meticulous investigative work, has brought to light, studied and made accessible through books and exhibitions: art, archaeology, ethnography and material culture, craftsmanship,...
Since 2002, Imago edizioni has been producing volumes on Sardinia’s history and culture. The prerogatives of its publications are the relevance of the photographic apparatus, the attractive editorial format and...
Impremix Edizioni Visual Gra?ka was founded in 2010 with the inten=on to promo=ng emerging authors.Four already active collections: ?ctions, poetry, non-?ction and varied.
in riga edizioni is a publishing house that offers manuals and introductory materials in the main technical-scientific and humanistic disciplines. In addition to Technology, Psychology, Computer Science, Literature for adults...
Independent Legions is a publishing company specializing in horror and dark fantasy fiction, including LitRPG, leading in Italy, founded in 2015 by three-time Bram Stoker Award-winning author Alessandro Manzetti. Since...
Infinito edizioni is one of the leader publishing houses specialized in human rights, contemporary history and news. We talk about essays and sociology, landscape and quality wine production, and about...
Informazioni Editoriali has been providing services for the book supply chain since 1985. It is the publisher of Alice and e-kitab (Italian books in print and e-books catalogues), Alibi (Italian...
Interlinea, a publishing house with more than 30 years of activity, is specialized in studies, rediscoveries and unpublished works of Italian literature of the twentieth century. Interlinea publishes the greatest...
Interno Poesia Editore is a poetry publishing project, founded in September 2016, dedicated to the promotion of poetry - contemporary, classical and of the 20th century, Italian and foreign -...