
Future Fiction Stand E46
Future Fiction is a cultural association that promotes an interdisciplinary approach to the idea of the future: a laboratory that explores the relationship between Man and Technology. The project is...
GAEditori – I libri di Brunella Gasperini Stand G47
GAEditori was born in January 2016, founded by two writers, Gaetano Amoruso and Antonello La Piana. In a few years he published a text on behalf of the Vatican (2019),...
Gagio Edizioni Stand D70 B73
Gagio Edizioni is an indipendent publishing house born to create unique works interwoven with words and images. Fiction books, Non fiction, Fairy Tales, Guides with a peculiar focus on modern...
Gagliano Edizioni Stand P13 N14
Gagliano Edizioni was founded in 2013 with the aim of spreading knowledge that leads to awareness, evolution, the physical, mental and spiritual well-being of the individual. Spirituality, astrology, holistic medicine,...
Gallucci Editore Stand C62
Gallucci editore publishes books by renowned writers, artists and musicians for children and young adults. Lìbrido is a recent imprint of Gallucci editore. It collects hybrid books, made of cloth...
Gambini Editore Stand L35
Gambini Editore prende vita dall'intraprendenza e dall'esperienza editoriale di Isabella Gambini co proprietaria del marchio Intermedia Edizioni per oltre un decennio. Avvalendosi dell'impronta femminile della sua fondatrice e dell'ausilio di...
Garrincha Edizioni Stand B07
Garrincha edizioni è la terza casa editrice del brand editoriale marotta e cafiero. Nasce a Napoli nel 2023 con l'obiettivo di raccontare attraverso le proprie collane a tema sport l'uomo...
Gaspari Editore Stand M21
The publishing house was founded in 1993 by Paolo Gaspari. In 1996, at the suggestion of Giulio Einaudi, the current greyhound logo was chosen. The catalogue is made up of...
Genesi Editrice Stand E33
Founded in 1980, Genesi is interested in poetry, fiction, humanistic, civil and historical essays, with nine series and with the quarterly magazine Vernice, founded in 1994. Overall, beyond six hundred...
Gigaciao Stand D44
Gigaciao è una casa editrice, uno studio creativo, grafico e di animazione indipendente, fondata da Sio, Dado, Fraffrog e Giacomo Bevilacqua.
GIOANT Stand A68
Gioant is a publishing company that deals with the promotion, evaluation, printing and distribution of books. It organizes workshops on publishing, journalism and communication- events and press office services --...
Giulio Perrone Editore Stand D43
Publishing house specializing in Italian and foreign fiction which aims to investigate contemporary reality and human relationships. Biographies and autobiographies, reportages and novels, confronted with the most urgent questions of...