EDT, independent publisher since 1976. Its catalogue includes books on musicology, essays, food, travel literature, travel guides and cartography (Lonely Planet and Marco Polo), books for children (Giralangolo).
Effatà Editrice has been publishing books for both adults and children about the inner development since 1995. The main themes that Effatà is concerned about are Education, Family life and...
Egea, the publishing company controlled by Università Bocconi, was founded in 1988 to document and spread the economic-managerial culture developed at university level. Today it provides students, professionals, workers, decision...
Nasce nel 2016 dall’omonima libreria di Valencia, con l’idea di ridare vita a titoli, ormai fuori catalogo, per aggiornarli attraverso formati semplici e immediati, Pubblichiamo in quattro lingue (ITA,ING,FRA,SPA). La...
Paganism, witchcraft, rituals and monsters of the old peasant world. Cult of the Saints and cult of the Great Mother.
Elèuthera is an independent publisher, with a focus on the libertarian international culture in all its stimulating suggestions, that mostly publishes non-fiction books on topics ranging from anthropology of daily...
ELSE – Edizioni Libri Serigrafici E Altro is a publishing house, an artisanal silk-screen printing laboratory and an association born in Rome in 2012 combining experiences in the field of...
Emme Promozione was founded in 2015, building on a long-standing experience in service for distributed publishers. Over the years, it has established itself as a company with a strong spirit...
Oltre agli audiolibri di narrativa contemporanea, il catalogo presenta anche classici, saggi e libri per ragazzi, letti dai più grandi attori o dagli stessi autori. Dal 2014 Emons si è...
“Ensemble” was born from the desire to create a publishing house that looks carefully at the literary panorama, trying to promote young debuts and hidden excellences that often fail to...
Epsylon editrice è specializzata in pubblicazioni dedicate principalmente al Gesto Grafico, (grafologia classica), all’Età Evolutiva (scrittura e disegni, disgrafia e educazione del gesto grafico, scuola e apprendimento, laboratori grafici e...
ERF Edizioni produces and disseminates contents that tell the world that is changing starting from the enhancement of our origins. Through his editorial collection he gives a voice to those...