Textus Edizioni was born in L'Aquila in 1996. After the 2009 L'Aquila earthquake it did not interrupt its activity, and indeed it bet on the future – its own and that of the city. The series of fiction, international history, philosophy and sciences directed by Daria Biagi, Paolo Wulzer, Rocco Ronchi and Paola Catapano follow international production and propose the translation of classical authors and new voices.
Textus Edizioni was born in L'Aquila in 1996. After the 2009 L'Aquila earthquake it did not interrupt its activity, and indeed it bet on the future – its own and that of the city. The series of fiction, international history, philosophy and sciences directed by Daria Biagi, Paolo Wulzer, Rocco Ronchi and Paola Catapano follow international production and propose the translation of classical authors and new voices.