Paolo Sorba Editore
Stand P04
The publishing house was founded in 1989 with the intent to represent the local culture in its different expressions. Over the years it has gradually broadened its field of interest,...
The Emilia-Romagna Region presents its policies related to supporting publishing and reading. Guests at the stand, four small local publishers (Nolica Edizioni, Homeless Book, Officine Gutenberg, In Riga edizioni). At Sala Antares “Le buone letture di Ezio Raimondi” fri 6 dec 14.30, “Ti racconto l’Emilia-Romagna” thu 5 dec 15.30
The Emilia-Romagna Region presents its policies related to supporting publishing and reading. Guests at the stand, four small local publishers (Nolica Edizioni, Homeless Book, Officine Gutenberg, In Riga edizioni). At Sala Antares “Le buone letture di Ezio Raimondi” fri 6 dec 14.30, “Ti racconto l’Emilia-Romagna” thu 5 dec 15.30